Neo is having serious issues. Pages are not loading quickly. Bank accounts don't seem to be currently linked, so it looks like you need to set up a new account. Your shop will appear empty even if you KNOW you have items in it (I had a TON of codestones unpriced in there...and my grooming item that I use for quests). Gallery may be gone as well. Neoboards have all poofed.
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you DO NOT DO ANYTHING on the site right now.
ETA: After about 20 minutes of chaos, things appear to be back to normal. Whew!
It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you DO NOT DO ANYTHING on the site right now.
ETA: After about 20 minutes of chaos, things appear to be back to normal. Whew!
Statistics: Posted by Pickles — Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:29 pm — Replies 2 — Views 27