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Neopets Chat • Faerie Festival Event 2023

The Faerie Festival appears to be live.

Daily Faerie Quest: Faerie Quest Page
Faerie Festival FAQs
Wheel Of Excitement gives you one free spin a day
Soup Kitchen has had its limits removed for free feeding
Donating appears to start Mon the 9th, and according to the FAQ, ends on the 17th.
There is a bonus prize for visiting quests every day of the event. This is just for collecting the free prize at the FQ page. The FAQ is unclear if there's a bonus prize for donating every day of the event, but there is definitely one for donating the max of 10 items per day (given out daily, it appears).

Key FAQ notes:
Faerie Quests
How long does the event last?
The event begins on October 2nd and will end on October 19th. After the event is over, regular faerie quests will resume via Random Events, so keep an eye out for those fluttering wings!

Can I cancel a quest once I am on it?
Yes, you can choose to abandon a quest at any time. However, if you decide to abandon a quest, you will not have the opportunity to replace it with another quest. You'll need to wait until the following day for another quest to be offered to you. You will not miss out on the final prize offered for visiting each day. If you abandon a quest on the final day of the event, you will not have the opportunity to complete a quest until a quest is randomly offered to you through a regular Random Event.

If I cancel a quest, is there a penalty?
Nope! You're free to abandon a quest if you like. However, you won't be able to accept another quest until tomorrow if you abort today's quest.

Can I choose which Neopet receives the reward from the faerie quest?
The reward for completing a quest will be applied to your active Neopet.

Do I have to complete a quest every day?
Nope. You're given the option of completing a quest every day, but you don't have to; you will still get a gift for visiting the page each day.

Do I have to complete a quest in order to receive a prize?
You receive a gift each day just by visiting the page, and a bonus prize if you visit every day of the event. No questing needed! That's how nice the Faerie Queen is. ;)

Can I participate in the event on my side account(s)?
For the event, I'm afraid, no.
Since regular faerie quests are given out in Random Events, you may participate in those on your side account(s) if you happen to receive one, so long as you earned the NP for the requested item on your main account. (Remember, earning NP or items on side accounts isn't allowed.)
However, since the faerie quest event -- where you receive a "free" faerie quest every day -- gives out extra daily rewards, it is treated like any other event or daily and you may only participate on your main account.

Why should I donate?
On top of the warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping keep our enchanting Neopia pristine, there are plentys of prizes for generous Neopians. Illusen and Jhudora will recycle the items you bring them and reward you with points you can exchange for all kinds of fun prizes within the prize shop. Every Neopet wins! Also, there are bonus prizes for those who donate each day.

How do I donate items?
You can recycle a maximum of 10 30 items per day by clicking on the “Recycle Items” button on the Faerie Festival Hubpage. You can recycle up to 10 items at once, selecting them from both your inventory and safety deposit box. After recycling your items, a pop up will inform you of how many points you earned for the prize shop.

What will Illusen and Jhudora accept?
Only NP items can be donated. The rarer the item, the better the reward. So, choose wisely. Items can be recycled up until Oct 17th

Does the rarity of the item(s) I donate affect the points I earn?
For-Shoyru (...That means "yes")! The higher the rarity of an item you donate, the more points you earn.
r1-r79: 1 point
r80-89: 2 points
r90-97: 6 points
r98-r100: 8 4 points
Sticky Snowball: 1 point (a restriction in 2020, despite being r100)
r101: 1 point
r102-r179: 4 points 8
R200: 15 points

How do the Donation Bonus Prizes work?
For donating the maximum of items allowed each day (10), you will be awarded with a Faerie Recycling Capsule. The rarity ranges and chances for these capsules are listed below:
- 60% chance of r90-95
- 25% chance of r96-98
- 15% chance of r99

I've donated but didn't get any prizes yet. When can I expect them?
You will earn your points as soon as you donate items. So, if you are unsure of the amount of points you have accumulated check the gift shop or your checklist where it lists your points at the top. At the end of the event everyone who participated will receive a trophy recognizing their valiant efforts!

Are there any perk rewards?
I'm afraid not. But Illusen and Jhudora will offer rewards at the prize shop for your generosity.

There are several other links in the activities tab (once you get through the first scene dialogue, this will show up on the main hub page). There are cardboard cutouts at Illusen's Glade and Jhudora's Bluff, but they appear to still be working.

Looks like no Delina quests this year. There's a retired Delina Quest items capsule instead.

Festival Dialogue Scenes:
Scene 1
Fyora: Although it may seem unusual, I asked you both to meet me here because I know you two were once quite close -
Illusen: Who said anything about... Well, I wouldn't exactly say close!
Jhudora: Brief acquaintances at best.
Illusen: I suppose we were...
Jhudora: Practically strangers.
Illusen: Ahem, yes, something like that.
Jhudora: Backstabbing strangers...
Illusen: Do not start this! You were the one who -
Fyora: Enough! Look, I called you two here because I had an... intriguing idea for a different type of Faerie Festival this year.
Fyora: One to help us dissipate some of the smog and muck that has begun choking the skies and seas of our beautiful Neopia since its technological boom.
Illusen: That sounds lovely!
Jhudora: Suck up...
Illusen: Hush, she is right! All of these new contraptions are giving off fumes that are starting to taint the pristine water, soil, and air of Neopia. I can feel it. Although, I did come up with some alternative energy ideas with Mira and Dr Landelbrot!
Jhudora: I still think it would be easier to just blast all those factories pumping out these new pollution machines to bits.
Fyora: We talked about this Jhudora. We should foster progress, not deter it. We do, however, have a responsibility to ensure it is carried out thoughtfully and carefully. Just like this festival! Which is why the two of you will be running it this year, as a team.
Illusen: I don't think thoughtful and careful are her forte... How about I just handle it myself this year and maybe next year Jhudora coul -
Fyora: Nonsense! I know for a fact that, with each of your respective talents, the two of you can put on a fantastic festival for all of Neopia!
Jhudora: For once I agree with salad mix over here. Look, I appreciate the suggestion -
Fyora: Oh, I'm not giving out suggestions today. Only orders. From your Queen.
Illusen: *GULP*
Jhudora: *GULP*
Fyora: Which is why I am so confident that you two will do just spectacular together. I mean just look at how excited all of the other faeries are, even Mira agreed to fly all the way back to Neopia to attend! Now that this matter is settled, good luck. *leaves*
Jhudora: She is one of the few people that scare me.
Illusen: And here I thought it was just me. *Cough cough*
Jhudora: You better not get me sick! Go see Marina if you're coming down with something.
Illusen: I'm fine, let's just get this over with.
Jhudora: Whatever you say.
Illusen: Well... if we have to do this, where do you think we should hold the festival this year? I was thinking the woods nestled between Faerieland and Meridell. Maybe we could build a tree house and cover it with blossoming flowers to add splashes of colour!
Jhudora: *Retches* Sorry that imagery almost made me hurl. That all sounds so dull.
Listen, there's a gazebo with sublime gothic architecture near the edge of the Haunted Woods, let's host it there! We could even add in some thorny vines and maybe a few of your flowers, but only dark black, red, and purple hues will do.
Illusen: And you called my idea dull! A Faerie Festival should feel welcoming and inviting, not drab and dark. No one will want to set foot in your gothic gazebo.
Jhudora: You always do this! Oh, they will come to the gazebo at my Faerie Festival, but you won't be invited.
Illusen: Fyora told us to work together, as a team remember? You can't just throw your own festival!
Jhudora: Too bad. Already decided. I'm single-handedly throwing the Faerie Festival this year.
Illusen: Then so am I! I'll host the Official Faerie Festival in the woods just outside of Faerieland.
Jhudora: Well, when people get bored at your lame Festival, they can find the fun one on the edge of the Haunted Woods!

Illusen wrote:

Official Faerie Festival Invitation Enclosed!
You've been cordially invited to this year's one and only official Faerie Festival, being held in the woods just outside of Faerieland. We would be honoured if you would join us in celebration of all Faeriekind as well as the beauty of our lovely Neopia. We know you have your choice of festivals, so we hope you will consider attending our stately soiree over any lesser imitations that may be circling about.
If you do choose to attend, please note that the Official Faerie Festival will run from this upcoming Monday until October 19th.

Jhudora wrote:

You're Invited!
This neomail means you are invited to the Real / Fun / Superior Faerie Festival. Lucky you.
This will be a place you can really stretch your wings and cut loose.
Not a snoozefest with snobby small talk!!!
Bring food and any new dark magic spells or weapons you want to test out in an unsafe environment.
Festival Starts Monday and will run until I'm bored of it! Probably around October 19th.

Clicking on Fyora's head on the main page brings up a "Faerie Festival - Chose your side" popup.
Fyora's head popup wrote:

Two Faeries hand-picked by Queen Fyora need your help cleaning up Neopia! Go on Faerie quests, recycle excess items to clean up Neopia, and experience a new story as it unfolds throughout the Festival!

Time to choose wrote:

Time to choose! Who will you pick? The graceful green-thumbed Illusen, or the cunning nonconformist Jhudora?
I'd sure love to have you join my Faerie Festival this year, but I know you'll make the right decision!
Join Illusen's Festival

Take your time... I mean you wouldn't want to make the wrong choice, would you?
Join Jhudora's Festival

Join Illusen's Festival? wrote:

This choice can't be undone, and you will be stuck with this charming lil' Earth Faerie for the entire festival...
Ooh wait, her prizes do look rather exquisite though! Here's a party favor if you do decide to join her team:
Image Illusen Half Necklace
Here are some of the delightful prizes you could earn if you join my Faerie Festival!
Image Woodland Mortog Image Treehouse Background Image Glaive of Verdancy

Join Jhudora's Festival? wrote:

This choice can't be undone, and you will be stuck with this grumpy ol' Dark Faerie for the entire festival...
Ooh wait, her prizes do look awfully tantalizing though! Here's a party favor if you do decide to join her team:
Image Jhudora Half Necklace
Here is a sneak peek at some of the trinkets you could win if you join my Faerie Festival!
Image Darigan Gruslen Image Gothic Gazebo Background Image Sinister Scythe

Once you sign up, you get directed to your team page, and this popup:
Ready to Recycle wrote:

If you aren't familiar with how recycling works, be sure to visit the Faerie Festival FAQ Page first to learn what items you can recycle and how many points you will earn in exchange for them!

Recycle Scene
Illusen: Since Fyora wanted us to use this Faerie Festival as an opportunity to clean up Neopia, I had the idea to start up a recycling program! Taking a page from Granny Hopbobbin's book, I've decided to offer special prizes to festival goers who pick up garbage all over to help us rejuvenate the lovely land of Neopia.
Illusen: I was feeling a little under the weather this morning, so I asked some charming little Woodland Petpets to help me construct this treehouse base of operations for the festival this year! I think it looks just delightful, don't you?

Scene 2
Illusen: Hello, hope you have been enjoying this year's festival! I have to run a quick errand to Moltara and would love it if you would accompany me. I want to discuss my ideas for alternative energy sources with the CEO of the Moltara Obsidian Company.
They refine obsidian down into a liquid that has become the fuel most of those new inventions that have been flooding Neopia run on, but the production and consumption of it give off fumes that can be very harmful to the environment! You can meet me at the new MOC building in Moltara, it's rather tall so you can't miss it.

Go to Moltara, click on the large building in the back labeled "Moltaran Obsidian Company" for the next scene.
Note: This label and the ability to click on the building will not show up if you have not gone through scene 2, and it will disappear after you've gone through scene 3.

Scene 3
Illusen: Jhudora? What are you doing here? I thought you agreed not to blow any of these places to the sky! Or was that just another lie?
Jhudora: Relax, I didn't come here to do any damage. Well... depends on what the slimeball inside has to say. I did some digging about the company, and I have a few questions for him.
What's your excuse? Did you change your mind about my approach and decide to show this CEO just how cruel you can be?
Illusen: I only came here to talk with the CEO. I'm concerned about how damaging his obsidian fuel is for the air of Neopia. Plus, I suspect that he may have heard some… misinformation about the renewable energy source I've been working on.
Monty: Monty McTaggart, Moltara's Magnanimous Obsidian Magnate, at your service! Sorry to keep you two waiting, it's been mighty hectic round these parts lately.
Illusen: Sir, we've come here to you today because we would love to sit down and talk over some-
Jhudora: Let's cut to the chase, have you been bribing officials to shut down renewable energy ideas?
Monty: Well now that is quite the accusation. Let me start by saying the McTaggart family has a storied history of philanthropic endeavours in Moltara-
Jhudora: Then where did you pick up that ridiculous accent?
Illusen: Jhudora! It's not okay to mock someone's voice. Look, Monty, I am sorry about her… forwardness. I came here on my own, because I wanted to talk to you face to face, faerie to Neopet, and see if we could talk things out.
Illusen: It seems representatives of your company have been strongly opposed to renewable energy sources, but Dr Landelbrot has theorized that the energy given off by the sun could be harnessed without harming Neopia. The sun could provide for us just like it nourishes the plants, with clean-
Monty: I'll stop you there little lady. I know all well and good that burning obsidian is not what the kids these days are calling sustainable, but I've been in the obsidian business for years, and now that business is finally booming, ain't no way I'm gonna stop!
Besides, it's too early to tell if obsidian is doing any harm. This whole pollution racket is nothing to fuss about now, it's something for our grandchildren to worry about. Bahahah!
Illusen: This is all just some kind of joke to you!
Monty: Now that could not be further from the truth. I am serious about obsidian, it's my livelihood after all!
Jhudora: I have a question about your livelihood, Monty. You went bankrupt in Y15 and were forced to sell all the McTaggart assets, putting up your family estate to get by. Then, right after the tech boom in Neopia, you suddenly have the means to buy the Obsidian Quarry from the City of Moltara. Who gave you all those Neopoints?
Illusen: How did you know all that?
Jhudora: The National Neopian Bank Manager owed me a favour after I cleaned him out in Cheat! Now Monty, spill
Monty: Well, I'd be happy to tell ya! I had a run of good luck in the Neopian Stock Market. That Nigel fellow sure is an agreeable fellow. Oh, and playing Trudy's Surprise. Do you know how much you can get if you go consistently?
Illusen: This is getting us nowhere. He'll ramble on all day before he tells us anything about his benefactor. I think he's too scared of whoever it is to say a word.
Jhudora: Okay, then step outside for a minute.
Illusen: Why what are you- *Cough cough*
Jhudora: For once just listen to me and go outside before I catch whatever you have. If fear is what motivates him, then let me have a private chat with Monty. Just the two of us.
Monty: Hold on there, Illusen, let's not be hasty now! You seem like the levelheaded one here to me, so maybe just hang back with us-
Illusen: Buh-bye, and good luck Monty! *Steps outside*
Jhudora: *Whisper Whisper*
Monty: Muh-muh-Malkus Vile!
Illusen: *Pops head back in* What was that?
Jhudora: Monty just shared with us that Malkus Vile was his secret investor. I haven't the foggiest idea why, but Vile is behind all of this.
Illusen: You only whispered in his ear for a few seconds. What on Neopia did she say to you?
Monty: You don't want to know… Please, just leave me alone, I don't know anything else. Oh, Vile will never forgive me for this.
Jhudora: Don't you worry about him, once I'm through with-
Illusen: Once we are through with him. I want to see Vile brought to justice myself.
Jhudora: Who are you kidding Illusen? You can barely stand. I don't know what's wrong with you, but you're in no shape to chase down anyone.
Illusen: I told you I'm just fine!
Jhudora: What you are, is too proud to be real with me. Same old story. So, I'm going to find him by myself.
Illusen: Jhudora I… Hey! Jhudora, get back here!

Scene 4
Illusen: Oh it's you, thank you for coming with me. I really appreciate the support. It wasn't easy to hear Jhudora say some of those things about me… but she has her reasons for lashing out.
Can you just do me a favour and keep an ear to the ground about Malkus Vile? I need to find and stop him. Soon.

Scene 5
Illusen: I heard Jhudora left her Festival some time ago and has yet to return. I'm starting to worry that she might be in trouble… Would you mind looking around for her? I heard she was last seen poking around Deep Catacombs under Neopia Central.

Visit the Coin Shop and click on the rather suspicious-looking shop keeper replacement

Scene 6
Malkus Vile: Longer lasting and better looking than stamps - coins are a must for -
Jhudora: Drop the act Vile, I finally found you. I'm surprised it was so hard given your stench.
Malkus Vile: Ahh Jhudora, how lovely of you to drop by.
Jhudora: Save the formalities. I already know you've been funding McTaggart and bribing officials across Neopia to keep all these fancy new machines running on obsidian.
Malkus Vile: Bribing? No, no, you've got it all wrong. In the technological boom of Neopia, I saw opportunity. What I've been doing is called lobbying, and it's perfectly legal for some reason.
Jhudora: So, what's in it for you? I know you always have an angle.
Malkus Vile: Well, Monty owes me quite a bit you see, which means I own him. Ergo, I own Moltara Obsidian Company. But I prefer to stay behind the scenes. Easier for me to grease the wheels when it comes to officials and convince competition to close up shop.
Jhudora: Figures, slime like you would prefer to stick to the sewers.
Malkus Vile: Come now Jhudora we aren't so different. You know it's not easy to get by when you aren't one of the elite. You either have to rub elbows with the likes of Queen Fyora's entourage and King Skarl's royal court, or you have to strike out on your own.
We both chose the latter because neither of us could endure kowtowing to those insufferable prigs. Most faeries, like say Illusen for instance, have no problem playing those games.
Jhudora: You can skip through all the banal cajolery you prepared. There's a reason you're so smug. Tell me, what's stopping me from hitting you with a curse that would make your worst nightmares seem like daydreams?
Malkus Vile: I know something you don't. About Illusen.
Jhudora: What makes you think I care?
Malkus Vile: No need to play coy with me, no secrets escape these sharp ears. I know all about your… complicated history with her. So, I thought you'd be interested to know that despite her posturing, Illusen has been significantly weakened.
Jhudora: Wa- What do you know about that?
Malkus Vile: A little Weewoo told me that Illusen started weakening right around the same time the pollution began spreading. It seems the smog choking the Neopia air and clouding the forests has been affecting all of the Earth and Water Faeries. She's vulnerable, and… if you wanted, could be out of your way for good.
Jhudora: The pollution… Vulnerable? No. No, I couldn't. Part of me does still hate her for what she did to me, but I couldn't do that… Uh, not while she is in such a pathetic state that is!
Malkus Vile: That's the beauty of it, you don't have to lift a finger. I already have a professional on the job, so you can go back to your little Faerie Festival and enjoy total deniability.
Jhudora: What do you mean a professional?
Malkus Vile: Illusen's been running her mouth about that renewable energy nonsense for far too long, it was starting to cut into my profit margins. Besides, the enfeebling of all the Earth and Water Faeries was always part of the plan. It came from the very top.
Jhudora: Plan? Tell me when this is happening before I blast a hole in the middle of your ugly mug!
Malkus Vile: Woah, woah, relax! Look, tell you the truth, Illusen's probably being bottled as we speak.
Jhudora: Arghhh I'll be back for you Vile!

Visit Meridell

Scene 7
Illusen: My legs, I can barely feel my legs. I'll just take a moment to rest here against the wall.
Balthazar: Oh, Illusen, you were once one of the few faeries I dared never approach. But look at you now, withered up and weak just like your precious Glade. Even this measly bottle can hold you now!
Illusen: Balthazar? Stay back! I won't warn you again!
Balthazar: You can stop pretending now. We both know you barely have any magic left at this point.
I know Vile will pay top Neopoint for you, but part of me just wants to keep you as a paperweight. You faeries are much better in bottles, but I still think you were best as statues. Oh, what a glorious few months that was when you were all stone!
I was really hoping it would be permanent, but of course, I end up with a house full of angry faeries right in the middle of my bottled faerie opening party. You don't mind that I'm rambling on Illusen, right?
Illusen: *Muffled yelling*
Balthazar: What's that? I can't hear you, AHAHA!
You know, now that I think about it, why let the chance to rid Neopia of such a powerful faerie slip through my paws? Maybe I should just save Vile the trouble and end you right no -
Jhudora: Jhudora (Blasting Balthazar): Paws off! If anyone is going to end her, it'll be me.
Illusen: I still have enough magic to break free of your bottle Baltha… Jhudora! What are you doing here? I had him just where I wanted him!
Jhudora: Oh, were you in there? I just happened to be in the neighbourhood um… shattering random bottles.
Illusen: And spontaneously blasting Neopets?
Jhudora: Only those who deserve it.
Balthazar: *Groans*
Illusen: I don't know if he deserved quite that much. That blast of yours sure packed a wallop, will he be okay?
Jhudora: Yeah, sure… probably. More importantly, we need to inform Queen Fyora of Vile's location before he gets too far. I found him hiding out in Collectable Coins.
Illusen: Let's return to Faerieland. We will tell her, together.

Quest page dialogue:
"Hello, there!... Oh, it's kind of you to ask, but nothing is wrong! We are just doing things a bit differently this year by having two faeries host the festivities, and I guess you could say I'm just a bit anxious to see how it goes. However, other faeries and I are offering you daily quests for the next few days. Please do chip in with assistance where you can!"
You carrying out these faerie quests will help keep morals high, and while exploring for the items, you can keep an eye out for any trash or messes you can clean up to help keep our wonderful Neopia clean and healthy!
You just need to visit us every day, and one of us will have a quest ready for you. It will free up the two faeries running the event, make our work easier, and possibly even clean up Neopia. Are you ready?

(When done for the day): "You have done your part today, and for that, we thank you sincerely. If you return tomorrow, the faeries will have new quests for you!"

Give for visiting Faerie Quests daily on 10/16:

Something Has Happened!
Image You are now eligible to use 'Illusen vs Jhudora' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

News Updates:
Oct 4 news wrote:

Despite Fyora’s best attempts, Jhudora and Illusen will be holding competing Faerie Festivals this year! Rumour has it that official invitations will be sent out tomorrow… Do you know which Festival you will be attending? If not, be sure to pick a side soon so you can be ready to start recycling your old items when their warring festivals begin on Monday (10/09)!

If you have any questions on how recycling will work, you can learn all about it at the new Faerie Festival FAQs.
Oct 5 news wrote:

Hello Neopians! We’ve heard your concerns about the upcoming recycling portion of the Faerie Festival event and have made some adjustments based on your feedback to ensure that this activity is more accessible to everyone.

One adjustment we're making is that neither NC nor R200 items will be recyclable during the event. Secondly, we are increasing the maximum number of items that can be donated per day up to 30. And finally, we are adjusting the value of points earned for items. To see the extent of the changes, you can read through the recently updated Faerie Festival and Recycling FAQs.
We understand your frustrations and appreciate those of you who voiced your concerns. Although it may not always seem like it, we are constantly reading your feedback across various platforms, and doing our best to listen and take your notes to heart. We appreciate your patience as we continue to learn and grow as a team, and we will strive to be transparent with our community while making Neopia a welcoming place for old and new players alike!
Instagram 10/6 wrote:

Hello Neopians!
We have adjusted the faerie quest pool throughout the duration of the Faerie Festival to include a far larger range of items. This change was made to negate the rampant inflation of quest items and ensure faerie quests are a fun and exciting activity for all Neopians.
As always, thank you for your suggestions and feedback! ...
Editorial 10/6 wrote:

Hello Neopians! We’ve heard your concerns about the Faerie Festival event and have made some adjustments based on your feedback to ensure that this event is more accessible to everyone.
One modification we've already made was to change the faerie quest pool to include a far larger range of items throughout the duration of the Faerie Festival. Another adjustment we're making is that neither NC nor R200 items will be recyclable during the event. Next, we are increasing the maximum number of items that can be donated per day up to 30. And finally, we are adjusting the value of points earned for items. To see the extent of the changes, you can read through the recently updated Faerie Festival and Recycling FAQs.
We understand your frustrations and appreciate those of you who voiced your concerns. Although it may not always seem like it, we are constantly reading your feedback across various platforms, and doing our best to listen and take your notes to heart. We appreciate your patience as we continue to learn and grow as a team, and we will strive to be transparent with our community while making Neopia a welcoming place for old and new players alike!

Ways to get R102-179's:
Giant Omelette - 1 per day
Coltzan's Shrine - once every 13 hours; resets at around 12:26am NST daily; chance at getting some R102+'s
The Snowager - 3x per day - 6:00am - 7:00am NST, 2:00pm - 3:00pm NST, and 10:00pm - 11:00pm NST
Cheat - HTML game with chance of getting a battlecard after winning a round
Wheel of Misfortune - 150nps every 2 hours, LOTS of bad outcomes: chances of disease for your active pet, active pet forgets a book that he/she read, items in inventory can be stolen or turned into sludge (so...make sure your inventory is clear and you have an active pet that maybe hasn't read any books and you don't mind getting sick?)
The Money Tree - 10 items per day, good luck!
Buried Treasure - 300nps every 3 hours, booby prize items are R102+....except the Yellow Growth, but that's asked for at the Coincidence, so it's expensive and worth selling
Cheeseroller - 3 tries daily; check JellyNeo's Guide for names of cheeses (click on them to verify rarity as many are R101)
Jhudora's Bluff -Every 12 hours; completing quests 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 17, 20 give out R130 items. May want to purposefully fail after 11 to restart and get the easier items if you're doing this only for R130s (quest 14 gives out a R99 instead). Check out JN's guide for tips about where to find some seemingly impossible items.

Scratchcards - Max 5 purchased cards per day:
Scratchcard Kiosk - 600 nps every 6 hours (closed 9-10am NST and 1-2pm NST), Terror Trove Scratchcard or Faeries Fortune Scratchcard to donate, scratch Races to Riches for a chance at the purple or rainbow quiggle plushies
Deserted Fairground Kiosk - 1200 nps every 2 hours (no closures), Undead Jackpot of Doom Scratchcard to donate
Note: Lost Desert scratchcards are all R101, and none of their prizes are R102-179.

Free the Bottled Faeries (NC)
Balthazar strikes again! Buy a pack of Flinging Slingshots from the NC Mall and rush back to free these poor trapped faeries from their glass prisons. Aethia is stepping in for Evalla, but she’s rounded up some wonderful prizes for your hard work!
This is a NC component. There are a total of 12 bottled faeries that can be freed, and there will likely be a bonus for opening all 12.
Free the Faeries Flinging Slingshot 1-Pack - 150 NC
Free the Faeries Flinging Slingshot 3-Pack - 300 NC
Free the Faeries Flinging Slingshot 6-Pack - 550 NC
Free the Faeries Flinging Slingshot 12-Pack - 1,000 NC

My take:
There are daily quests, but it appears that they are not following the standard items requested, and are using a potentially larger pool than the 2020 event. Sigh. All that stocking up on the standard items for nothing. Also, who knows if some of them will inflate like crazy like they did in 2020. :wall: I'm hoping things are mixed up and it's still using the stuff from previous years. Also hoping that I've got the items already. However, all that being said, maybe since the dialogue from the quests is the same as the 2020 event, there's something wrong and they'll fix it?

It looks like we might end up picking sides between Illusen and Jhudora? Maybe? I'm wondering if that's where the Charity Corner-type part will come in? It's obviously not active yet.

Day 1 item: Water Faerie Mushroom
Day 1 quest: Battle - Healing Potion V - +3HP +3Def +3 Str (to battle pet)

Statistics: Posted by Pickles — Mon Oct 02, 2023 8:35 pm — Replies 70 — Views 12119

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